July 2019- Educating and caring for the Girl Child

Another successful camp was held with the aim of educating girls about menstrual hygiene,followed by distribution of Sanitary Napkins free of cost. About 80 girls attended in the age bracket of 12-18 years
Initiative - All the attendee girls will receive a packet of Sanitary napkins every month for a period of 1 year.The volunteer/s will facilitate the ongoing activity and will be able to address any queries /issues on the days of visit
Invitee Speaker : Dr. Neeta Lal ,General Physician and Pediatrician
Camp conducted by - Dr.P.S.Aman and Executive Member Mr. Sidhartha along with volunteers
On reviewing this campaign at close quarters the same initiative may be continued next year too or carried out in other localities/schools
The Media coverage for this new initiative was immense.
HI has been taking small steps in the right direction and intend to reach more and more schools in varied vicinities.