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October Camp 2015 - Build Immunity

Hi friends,

Heal India conducted a Health (deworming ) camp on Wednesday, October 28th at Vijay Vidya Nike tan School, Vikas Nagar, New Delhi.

Around 150 students were examined and administered deworming medication. Iron supplementation were given to those who were anemic.

Dr.P.S.Aman , Dr.Lakshmi Pal, Staff belonging to Dr.Amans Hospital, School Principal &staff participated in the camp.

Students,Parents and school staff were addressed by Dr Lakshmi pal &Dr.Aman about Etiology,prevention and treatment of worm infestation .

It was a interactive session and well participated by parents of the students studying in the school.

Heal India has successfully conducted health camps in Delhi -NCR for the last five years.We are now ready to move forward and add more health activities to our agenda.You all will soon receive a separate mail regarding that.

I and my team want to thank each one of you for being a part of Heal India 's progress and request for continued support and participation in future too.


Lakshmi Pal


Heal India, a unit of One Kismet India

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