Heal India camp - December 21, 2014
Rotary Club Midwest Delhi and Heal India conducted a General Health/ Eye Camp on Sunday the 21st December, 2014 at Meera Bagh, JJ Cluster, New Delhi. Dr. Lakshmi Pal, Dr. R.S. Pal, Dr. Amit, Dr. Naik, Dr. Neelima and Dr. Neelima Kapoor examined the patients. Mr. Girish, Optometrist, assisted Dr. R.S. Pal in all Eye cases. Mr. Bibeesh, Lab assistant, was in charge of doing Blood Sugar tests and ECGs. Mr. Dhanvantri, Pharmacist, dispensed all the medicines. The Heal India volunteer team consisted of Mr. A.K. Bhargava, Mrs. Poornima Bhargava, Mr. Pandya, Mr. Sunil Kapoor and Mr. Sidhartha Verma. Mr. Ashok Jain, Mr. Sood and Mr. Pratik represented Rotary Midwest Delhi and were of great assistance in the camp. NGO-NIPUN, comprising of Mr. Pradeep, Ms. Jyoti and their volunteers in addition to providing us the venue organized the whole camp in a very orderly manner. Right from 10 am in the morning, the camp witnessed a large crowd. Around 400 people were examined in the camp out of which 170 came with Eye complaints and rest had general problems. All patients were given consultation and medicines including Eye drops and near vision glasses free of cost. Blood Sugar examination and ECG were done free of cost. Please see the attached file for the exact number of tests done. 9 Patients suffering from Cataract Eye have been identified who are fit for surgery. They will be operated on by qualified Eye surgeons from I Care Hospital, Noida at their Greater Noida Centre on Wednesday the 24th December. These patients will be transported to the center with the help of Rotary Midwest Group on Tuesday the 23rd December. A 1 year old female child was diagnosed in the camp with congenital heart disease (ASD and VSD). Rotary Midwest Delhi will look into getting this child investigated and treated. Heal India thanks and congratulates Mr. Ashok Jain, Mr. Sood and other members of Rotary Midwest Delhi for conducting a successful camp. Heal India also thanks all its members and NIPUN for their cooperation. Heal India logo is made of a complete circle comprising of several look alike hands and the coming together of Rotary Midwest Delhi, NIPUN and Heal India for the benefit of the poor and needy aptly demonstrated the same! Thank you and wish you all a merry Christmas! What a great way to end 2014!