December 2013 Health Camp
Heal India conducted the Health camp on 25th dec 2013 at Stellar Sigma complex, Sigma -4, Greater Noida ,UP ,India.Around 125 patients were examined and free medicines given wherever required.Blood Sugar tests and ECG were done on selected patients at a nominal cost.Two patients were advised further investigations as their ECG showed some changes.Doctors who took part in the camp were Dr.R.S.Pal,Dr.Lakshmi Pal,Dr.Neelima Kapoor,Dr.Neelima,Dr.PS.Aman.Mr.Anuj Bhargava,Mrs.Kokilam,Mrs.Chitra,Mrs.Poornima BhargavaVolunteered as usual.This time we had a young brigade volunteers comprising of Nandini , Varun,Sidharthaverma and Ananya.Dr.R.S.Pal was ably assisted by optometristMr.yadav.Our sincere thanks goes to the staff ofStellar Sigma Apartments who cooperated withus in making the camp a success.