Executive meeting-17th August of Heal India
Time: August 17, 2013 from 2pm to 4pm Location: Chanakyapuri Organized By: Dr.Lakshmi Pal Event Description: Heal Indiawill hold a executive members meeting on 17th August 2013 at PSOI club,Chanakyapuri, New Delhi from 2PM to 4 PM. The meeting was attended by1. Dr. Lakshmi Pal2. Dr. R S Pal3. Dr. Neelimaa Jain4. Mr. A K Bhargava & Newly joind member5. Mrs Purnima Bhargavawe all welcome Mrs Purnima in the meeting and proceedings were started immediately.Dr. R S pal was nominated as additional Vice President of Heal India unenimously.Generation of fund was the main issue and same was discussed & how to comeup with this problem.. Heal India organized two camps in last two months. This month a camp will be organized on 25th August'2013.Next month ie; 0n 7-8th september '2013 a health/eye camp will be held in a school at village of Palampur Himachal Pradesh.It has been also decided to do awareness program in school/institutions/ residential societies etc;about pre medication of health prevention and how to protect self medication.