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Executive Members Meeting

Executive members meeting of Heal India was held on 1st sept 2012 and the following were discussed.It was unanimously decided to allott the following portfoilios to the members-1.PRESIDENT Dr.Lakshmi Pal2.VICE PRESIDENT Urvashi Arora3.SECRETARY/TREASURER Anuj Bhargava4.JOINT SECRETARY Dr.Neelima Kapoor5.DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMES Dr.P.S.Aman6.ADVISOR Dr.R.S.Pal7.EXECUTIVE MEMBERSDr.Neelima JainChitra ViswanathDevyani SahaiAll members decided that HI should try and do more camps in orphanages and adopt them as far as health issues are concerned.HI will continue doing its regular monthly camps.Next camp is on 16th sept at DON BOSCO ASHALAYAM from 10AM TO 1PM in Dwarka.Dr.Neelima jain was congratulated by all members for enrolling 7 life members and setting a good example for others to follow.There is a proposal for holding a camp at Rishikesh in october 2012 if possible.Members have been requested to enroll more doctors in HEAL INDIA so as to form a panel of doctors who are willing tovolunteer for doing Health checkups.

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