executive commitee members meeting on 17th july 2011
Executive members of Heal India met on 17th july 2011 and it was decided to have the next Health Camp on 31st july 2011 at Mohan Garden , Uttam Nagar , West Delhi. from 10 AM to 1 PM.Dr.R.S.Pal and Dr. Aman will do the needful for organising the 31st july camp.The meeting had full attendence comprising of Dr.R.S.Pal , Dr.Lakshmi Pal, Dr.Neelima Jain, Dr. Neelima Kapoor,Dr. P.S.Aman , Mr.Bhargava. It was mutually decided that Heal India will organise a fund raising dinner where all HI members will be invited and every member will contribute Rs 500/- each which will go into the HI account.The meeting ended with high tea organised by the Bhargavas.