Health Camp on 26th june 2011 at Gadi Kundal,Sonepat , Haryana
Heal India conducted a Health Camp at Omprakash Charitable Dispensary at Gadi Kundal,Sonepat,Haryana, India on 26th June 2011.Dr. Lakshmi Pal , Dr. R.S.Pal , Dr.Neelima Kapoor, Dr. Neelima Jain, Dr. P.S.Aman. Dr. N.C.Pal, and Mr. Bhargava took part in the camp.It started raining right from the morning and later we learned that the monsoon had arrived on this day,a little early this season in Delhi.In spite of that around 150 - 200 patients came to the camp to get examined.The camp was well organised and started with a briefing by Dr. Neelima Jain on the topic "Causes, Prevention and Treatment of chronic Backache". It was a interactive session with a lot of questions coming from the villagers who had assembled there.Dr.Neelima Jain patiently answered all the queries. A video clip of the same has been uploaded in this website.A list containing all the names and contact numbers of the patients examined in the camp is also being uploaded.Special note has been made of patients needing surgeries and they will be followed up.We are thankful to Dr. Neelima Kapoor for joining Heal India and offering to do free gynae and obs. surgeries to all needy female patients.The camp ended with a sumptous lunch served to all of us by the owners of the OmPrakash Charitable Dispensary.