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Heal India's 1ST HEALTH CAMP

HEAL INDIA’s HEALTH CAMP About HEAL INDIA- Heal India is a charitable health programme under the non profit trust OneKismet India conducted by a group of doctors. The aim of this trust is to hold health camps to identify the health problems of people of India and offer solutions for the same. Heal India held its first Health Camp on 6th February 2011 at Raghhbir singh modern senior ,Mohan Garden,Uttam Nagar,New Delhi 110059. The camp was conducted by Doctors who are also the trustees of Heal India. Dr. R.S.Pal ,Eye Surgeon, took care of all patients having Eye problems. Dr.Lakshmi Pal w/o Dr.R.S.Pal ,a pediatrician examined all the little ones . Dr.Shalini Aggarwal ,Senior Gynecologist at Maharaja Agarsen Hospital and at Max hospital pitam pura and a trustee of Heal India and Dr.Neelima Jain ,Professor of medicine at safdarjung hospital were the other two Doctors who examined patients in their respective fields. Mr.Anuj Bharghav, another trustee ,and Mr.Dutta helped in dispensing the medicines to all. Dr.Aman and Dr.N.C.Pal were invitee general physicians who played an important role in the camp. The manager of Raghbir singh school Mr.Rajeev Tyagi and all his staff were extremely cooperative and a great help in completing this camp successfully. We had the pleasure of having Mr.S.S.Duggal ,Chairman senior citizen forum and an active youth congress person ,amidst us who had very encouraging words for us and who highlighted the aim of Heal India in his address to the huge crowd gathered in this camp. We are proud to inform that in our very first health camp we examined 463 patients which included people ranging from 2 month old to geriatrics. We have taken special note of some patients who need specialists care like surgery for a child with Right Inguinal Hernia , Stunted growth , cataract eyes etc where some expenditure is required and the patients cannot afford.We plan to follow up these people and get the required procedure done free of cost or at a bare minimum expenditure. It has given us immense pleasure in doing this service to the society and we promise to continue the trend even more zealously in future. Heal India has climbed one step in Healing India and with everyones support and wishes the day is not far when we would be looking at a Healed India!

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G2-002, Stellar Sigma Apartments, Sigma-4

Greater Noida, UP, 201308, India


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